The Forgetting Time

Crispy leaves, chestnuts, cosy jumpers, warm scarves and Halloween pumpkins. That’s what October is all about, right?

Well, my October has been full of those wonderful, colourful, autumnal things. We’ve had our annual fair in town full of amazing smells and sounds. And by goodness, if there is a time for a hot cup of tea, its when the weather is cooling down.

However this month, I also decided to tag along with my friend to visit a local Clairvoyant. I felt like giggling when I walked in to the ‘reading room’, as it was exactly the cliche of what you would perhaps expect. Tarot cards, a crystal ball and a fantastic lady resembling Professor Trelawney from the Harry Potter films welcomed me. Broad Yorkshire and hilarious, she commented (referring to some tarot cards)  ‘These are nothing but a prop me dear, its the voices I hear you know’.

However when my much-loved relatives popped in to say ‘Hello’ it really made me think about the afterlife, what that meant and what the possibilities were. Not long after, I then made a little trip to Asda’s book aisle at which point Sharon Guskin’s first Novel caught my eye…



The Forgetting Time… an eye-catching cover with an absolutely enticing blurb and rave reviews on the front. Given my recent spiritual experience, I quickly purchased and was excited to read it. So..time to curl up and turn to page one.

The story begins with Janie, a 30 something single woman who has decided to take herself on a well deserved holiday, alone. However it doesn’t stay that way for long… Fast forward into current life, Janie now has Noah, a 4-year-old little boy, and she is a single hard-working Mum, a common situation for many. However, what isn’t common are the dreams that Noah wakes from every night, and his persistent request to Janie: ‘I want to go home mommy-mom.’

But Noah is home, or so Janie thinks.

Next enters Professional Psychologist Jerome Anderson. Whilst Noah’s life is just beginning, for Anderson sadly his life is coming to an end. He has lost his wife, lost the respect of his colleague’s in his field of Psychology by following his passion and researching reincarnation cases, and much worse, has been given a diagnosis that will cut his life and his memories, short.

However, the passion for research, to write, to record, has not yet burned out. He is determined to have his book published. One American story is ‘all it needs’ an Editor tells him. And so as fate would have it, via sheer desperation and the determination as a Mother to help and comfort her troubled son, Janie gets in touch.

From here, the story unfolds. Spiritual questions are asked, the unknown explained and another Mother’s despair given a little peace. 

A genuinely thought-provoking first novel, that captures the imagination but also questions the spiritual belief of the reader. Tears are shed, life is questioned and I personally re-evaluated my own sense of self. The theme of the book is reincarnation, spirituality and in many ways it follows Buddhism Teachings. The book talks about ‘being everyone’s mother’, a concept readily taught by Buddhists, a concept I came across in a Buddhist mediation group last year, one of which is very thought provoking if you study it and really meditate on it.

The Book also contains experts from Jim B Tucker’s ‘Life before Life’ and Dr K.S. Rawat’s ‘The Case of Shant Devi’, non-fiction books about their experiences and cases that appear to prove the case for reincarnation. I found that this only added to my excitement and captivated me further. A book about a topic so abstract, yet with genuine references and evidence to affirm the theme and story line.

The only part of the book that I wish that the Author explored more, was that of the male Father roles. I would have liked to have seen some reference or story line containing Noah’s father or to have tied the two life stories together somehow. Personally this would have just created a bit of a plot twist of the connection between the two families.

This was certainly a book I could not wait to read yet was sad to have finished. I cried, I thought, I felt. I thought back to my reading with the Clairvoyant and felt much deeper connection to the ‘messages’ I’d received from my loved ones. I felt spiritually connected and it has genuinely given me a new lease of life.

For anyone intrigued as to what happens after death, has questions about reincarnation or simply wants a compelling read, this is the one to pick up and being reading. I can understand that this novel may be a comfort to many.

‘Can’t Put It Down’ Rating: 4/5

Paperback, Sharon Guskin, 2016. RRP £7.99

Asda: £3.99

Amazon: £3.99

Washed Down With….

Marks and Spencer Moroccan Mint Infusion, 15 bags £2.70


A Fairtrade, light spearmint and peppermint tea, sweet and refreshing with citrus undertones. Perfect at any kind of day, but a great alternative to black tea whilst curled up in bed reading.

Taste Rating: 5/5. Super refreshing. Will be restocking!

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